• 249 reviews
Shinigami Eyes
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Shinigami Eyes
Shinigami Eyes

Discover the Power of Social Media Tools with 'Shinigami Eyes' Chrome Extension

As we traverse the digital landscapes of social media , it's crucial to have the right tools in our arsenal for a smooth and safe journey. Today, we will delve into the features, utility, and user response of a popular Chrome extension named 'Shinigami Eyes'. This extension is specially designed to help users navigate social media platforms by highlighting trans-friendly and transphobic sites. With an impressive aggregate rating of 4.19 out of 5, it's not surprising that this extension has made a significant impact in the realm of social media tools and Chrome extensions .

Uncovering the Magic of 'Shinigami Eyes'

Shinigami Eyes, an extension available for Chrome and other browsers, is a revolutionary tool that enables users to easily identify transphobic and trans-friendly sites on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and more. It works by color-coding the user names or site titles - green signifies 'trans-friendly', and red denotes 'transphobic'. This nifty feature has made it a popular choice for the online LGBTQ community and their allies.

Why Users Love 'Shinigami Eyes'

As per the user reviews, 'Shinigami Eyes' is appreciated for its ease of use and clear visual cues. Users have praised the extension for providing a safe browsing experience. Moreover, it can help users avoid potentially harmful interactions and find supportive communities effortlessly. One user, Ivy Gorgon, expressed her satisfaction with the extension, saying, "I love that I can now more confidently tell who is already set in their ways vs who might actually be asking from a place of curiosity."

The Role of 'Shinigami Eyes' in Social Media Optimization

In the era of social media marketing and analytics, the role of such Chrome extensions cannot be overstated. 'Shinigami Eyes' is a powerful tool for social media optimization. Not only does it help users to navigate social media platforms safely, but it also empowers them to make informed decisions about which sites to engage with or avoid. This level of clarity and control contributes significantly to enhancing the overall social media experience for users.

Room for Improvement

Despite its positive reputation and high rating, users have also offered constructive feedback for 'Shinigami Eyes'. Some users have pointed out that the color-coding might not be effective for colorblind individuals. Thankfully, the developers have addressed this by adding a colorblind setting to improve accessibility. Other users have suggested that the criteria for categorizing sites could be more stringent or specific, to avoid any potential confusion or mislabeling.

The Future of 'Shinigami Eyes'

With a strong user base and consistent stream of feedback, the future looks bright for 'Shinigami Eyes'. As with any tool, there's always room for improvement, and the developers seem committed to refining and enhancing the extension to meet user needs better. If you're seeking user-friendly social media tools to help you navigate the online world, 'Shinigami Eyes' might be worth checking out.

Easily identifies trans-friendly pages

Highlights transphobic spaces for avoidance

Works on multiple social networks

Helps promote safer online experiences

Useful for LGB(T) and feminist communities

May not cover all online platforms

Accuracy may vary

Potential false color-coding

Requires regular updates for accuracy

May not include all transphobic spaces

249 reviews
11 Reviews For This Extension
Ruby Lucy

Awesome extension! I'm glad the developer is back.


HORRIBLY inconsistent moderation of flagging. Basically if a person is transgender they will get green text even if they are contradictory supporters of horribly transphobic things, Liv Agar is marked green on twitter, despite being a QAnon supporter and podcaster. If you try and fight against these marks, the extension provides you no ability to add content to your report. You can only mark as pro or anti and press submit. For cases like the above, you can't just flag any one single post and prove it, you need to be able to provide context in a written form, which you can't.


its helpful sometimes, especially in regards to organizations and groups, kind of falls flat when it comes to the labelling of individuals though. for years Ive seen people who are overtly transphobic on one website, get marked as trans-friendly on different one and as far as im aware there is still no solution to this.

William Higginbotham

Extremely based.

Ultimate Gamer 99

Great extension, tho I wish there was an option to turn off the colored names for pro-trans people and only have it for anti-trans. Cuz like, if someone is pro-trans, then I'll just treat them as I would anyone. But if they're anti-trans, no, get them outta here. (Also the green is hideous on light mode)


Would be nice if they had an option to swap colors, anti trans being blue and pro trans being red. still good tho.

Erik Ebbesen



I'm going to be completely honest; this extension is really good for showing transphobia, but this has just completely obliterated my mental health because I feel obligated to learn why. I know this is a me problem, but I think it'd be nice if there was a way to avoid seeing the bad stuff like turning off the red marks entirely.

11 22

Love the idea, but I checked to see if the tags I added show up for others and for some reason they don't.

Multi Horse

Very good


Very cool, shows me possible TWs.

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